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Showing posts from September, 2022


When it comes to giving a title for something I'm not good for that sure!! I know what to write and how to write but for title I couldn't do. So basically what I do is whatever I'm writing i notice which word is more important and more frequently come, I use that as my title. As you can see my today's Blog!! 


The word it self is very complicated. What is the first thought come in your mind when you hear the word Adjustment or Adjust this/that or Thoda to adjust karna padega??? Sometime these words frustrated you and sometimes you have to accept it regarding the situation. ADJUSTMENT IS LIKE ONE CAN WANT TO BUT AT THE SAME TIME DOESN'T WANT TO!! 


people are always say that new beginning start from new day or new month or new year, but why??? Why not start from the moment you decide?? Why always wait for the new day?? Just do something if you want to do new.. Don't wait for the new day or new week. If you want to work on weekends do that if it makes you happy.. New beginnings can be begin any time you wish✨


Things are not tough we make it tough by thinking and also considering that we can't do anything easily it should be deficult, And also we put that there is no point to do such things. If you think it is easy yes it is. And if you think it's tough then yes it is!!! 


Doing nothing is an art. only few can do it, like literally nothing to do not even think a single thought. But no one can do this more than one or two days because it affects you mentally and physically. 


It is easy to say try new things try to get out from your comfort zone!!! You know what somehow it is right if you want to motivate someone but in other side it's tough trying to get out from a particular thing.  Sometime it is very difficult you know because you're doing something in a manner that you're comfortable with, and suddenly you have to change everything. If you yourself decide to that change than it's good you can do it but when it comes to doing forcefully something will not give you positive result.