Title - *Pokhran A Novel* Author - Uday Singh Gener - Crime, Thriller & Mystery "Things are never as black and white as they may seem at first glance." I read this line in the beginning and this words are giving strong impact to this Book. Pokhran is novel written by uday singh. It's a mix of emotions story you can say, revenge, courage, love and the unbeatable human spirit. This book is about 'Smiling buddha' india's first ever successful nuclear test project happened in pokhran (Rajasthan).The story started with the nuclear test and end on rebuild pokhran. The concept of the story is how this 'Smiling Buddha's project got success and what happened after that. In between all the stories there are reason why every story connected to another one. Chaitanya who has important role in this whole story. All the characters are in this book are well developed, But the most highlighted is this boy Chaitanya's character who has disabilitie...