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Author - Louise Hay

Gener - Self Help Book

Whatever the problem is, it comes from a thought pattern, and thought patterns can be changed.

The author described every  topics chapter wise it is easy to understand and easy to apply in your routine, I give you an example The first chapter is what is the problem? There are so many problems we face in daily life. You, Me, Everyone around us faces same problems some how!! The point is, how we all deal with it?? Problems are same but how we react on it is valuable. We all want our problem to be over with, but we don't want to do the small things that will add up to the solution.This book will help you to find where does your problem is come from, is it true? And what do we do now and so much more.

This book contains different different affirmations which will help you to increase your ability of positive thinking.It is not like author convincing us forcefully to believe what she wrote but ideally it is happened to stuck on her words.

When I was reading this book it was like I'm literally having counciling session by Louise.

Here is I'm sharing some quotes/Sentences from the book which will excite  you to learn more from this book.

~ Life is really very simple. What we give out, we get back.

~ If you lived with people who were very unhappy, frightened, guilty or angry then you learned a lot of negative things about yourself and about your world.

~ If you find yourself saying, " Everyone always does such and such to me, criticizes me, is never there for me, uses me like a doormat, abuses me" then this is YOUR PATTERN.

~ The word COULD give us choice, and we are never wrong.

~ If you demand perfection from them, you will demand perfection from yourself.


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