Title - Mountain Mist & Meghalaya Author - URVESH BHATT AND HANISHA RAGHUNATH Rating - 5/5⭐ This book is about to explore places of Meghalaya. The protagonist is working for Media company in Mumbai and he is telling his experience of Meghalaya trip. There was lines that said "Sometimes researching about the places and reading their backdrop stories can lead to some fantastic horror visuals." so is happening with protagonist he is getting 5D dreams everytime and this is the interesting part of the book. There are three types of people we meet while travelling. First, are those who are eager to talk, you just need to give them a slight poke. Second, are those who are silent detectives and speak only if it's imperative. Third, are those who are shy to communicate but are good listeners. He met so many people in this entire journey and he described his experience with Meghalya people. How they treat him, from The first day cab driver to last day cab driver Meg...